TypeScript with Vue.js 3

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Learn how to use TypeScript in your Vue projects to supercharge your IDE's error detection and autocompletion, as well as provide type safe code that's easier to reason about and refactor.


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What You'll Learn

  • Hands-On Experience with the Benefits of TypeScript
  • How to make the most out of your IDE
  • How to use TypeScript with the Composition API
  • How to use TypeScript with the Options API
  • How to type reactive data, refs, props, custom events, event handlers, DOM elements, template refs, data from provide/inject, and more


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Course Outline

  • 1 Chapter 1
    • 1Introduction to TypeScript with Vue.js 3
    • 2TypeScript in Vue Components
    • 3Typing Component Events
  • 2 Chapter 2
    • 1Using TypeScript with the Options API in Components
    • 2Declaring and Typing Component Props
    • 3TypeScript in Vue Components
    • 4Typing Component Events
  • 3 Chapter 3
    • 1Using TypeScript with the Options API in Components
    • 2Declaring and Typing Component Props
    • 3TypeScript in Vue Components
    • 4Typing Component Events